The Massachusetts Gaming Commission has promulgated regulations that govern the permitting, transport, operation, relocation, modification, and destruction of slot machines and electronic gaming devices (EGD)
Information for EGD activity
The Massachusetts Gaming Commission has adopted 205 CMR 144.00 for the shipment, installation, movement, conversions, modifications, removal and storage of EGDs. The process for EGD activity is covered in the Commission’s regulation 205 CMR 144.00: Approval of slot machines and other electronic gaming devices and testing laboratories.
Certified Independent Testing Labs (ITLs)
Every slot machine must be tested and approved by a Commission certified independent testing laboratory prior to its use on the gaming floor. MGC has certified two independent gaming labs, GLI and BMM Testlabs, to test all gaming software and electronic slot monitoring systems. These independent labs will test the games to confirm that slot machines are operating properly and in compliance.