A Request for Public Comment: Regulations pertaining to Licensing and Registration

A Request for Public Comment: Regulations pertaining to Licensing and new qualifiers

The Massachusetts Gaming Commission is seeking public comment on the following draft regulations:

  • 205 CMR 116.07 DRAFT Amendments: Qualification of New Qualifiers (These amendments will allow a new qualifier to perform duties once a completed application is submitted and the Bureau approves the individual to perform duties during the suitability process).
  • 205 CMR 134.12 DRAFT Amendments: Temporary Licenses (These amendments allow the Commission to issue temporary licenses for gaming employees and gaming vendors upon submission of required documents, likelihood of positive suitability, and provided that no further information is required.  These amendments also remove the existing 12 month expiration date for temporary vendor licenses).
  • 205 CMR 134.16 DRAFT Amendments: Term of Licenses (These amendments will increase the initial term of licenses from three years to five years for key gaming employees and gaming employees

Please email comments to mgccomments@state.ma.us with ‘draft regulation comment’ in the subject line. The Commission will review any comments received, update the draft regulations where appropriate, and hold a public hearing on the matter.

The public hearing will take place on February 11, 2016 at 10:00a.m., at the Massachusetts Gaming Commission, 101 Federal Street, 12th Floor, Boston, MA.

Public comments must be received by 4:00p.m. on Friday, February 12, 2016.

To view the draft regulations, click here:

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