Comprehensive Evaluation of the Plainridge Park Casino GameSense Program: 2015-2018 Compendium


  • Prepared By: Heather M. Gray, Ph.D; Howard J. Shaffer, Ph.D; Debi A. LaPlante, Ph.D
  • Release Date: May 01, 2018

This compendium includes four reports which make up the evaluation of the GameSense program at Plainridge Park Casino. Report 1 summarizes interactions data collected by GameSense Advisors and surveys completed by patrons, PPC staff, and others GameSense visitors. Report 2 builds on the previous report by adding measures of visitors’ knowledge of responsible gambling concepts, use of responsible gambling strategies, and awareness of problem gambling resources. Report 3 summarizes survey data collect from the broader patron population at PPC focusing on respondents’ awareness of, and interaction with, the GameSense program at PPC. Respondents who indicated that they interacted with a GameSense Advisor described their satisfaction, impressions, and any changes in their gambling behavior. Report 4 summarizes a PPC employee survey data and focused on employees’ exposure to, and knowledge and opinions about, GameSense and other initiatives intended to promote responsible gambling. These complementary evaluation approaches allowed for an examination GameSense with respect to different program goals and within the RE-AIM framework, which conceptualizes the public health impact of any intervention as a function of five empirically testable dimensions

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