Assessing the Impact of Gambling on Public Safety in Massachusetts Cities and Towns: Analysis of changes in police following four months of activity at MGM Springfield


  • Prepared By: Christopher W. Bruce
  • Release Date: May 19, 2019

MGM Springfield opened on 24 August 2018 in the midst of a dense, urban area with a historically higher‐than‐average, but decreasing, crime rate. The large number of patrons drawn to the casino and their associated offenses and victimizations have made the facility the top location for crimes and calls for service in the region, although the overall effect on the region’s numbers is mild. In the four months after MGM opened, several property crime patterns that may be related to the casino were reported in nearby communities, but the casino does not seem to be associated with many large scale, widespread increases in crime aside from what is reported at the casino itself. Traffic‐related calls, including collisions, increased, particularly to the south and west of Springfield.

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