A Request for Public Comment: DRAFT of Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) Problem Gambling Services Strategic Plan

The Massachusetts Gaming Commission is pleased to release for public comment the Problem Gambling Services Strategic Plan for Massachusetts. This plan is intended to inform policy, programs and services intended to mitigate negative consequences of expanded gaming in Massachusetts. The public comment period, from January 6th to January 22nd, is an opportunity for local, community and state leaders, coalitions, residents, and gambling industry representatives to provide recommendations for the Strategic Plan. This effort is being led by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health in collaboration with MGC.

The draft Problem Gambling Services Strategic Plan for Massachusetts may be viewed by going to the Massachusetts Department of Public Health Website at the following link.

Comments may be sent by email to: ProblemGamblingFeedback@state.ma.us

We suggest that you use the following guiding questions for your comments:

1. What specific suggestions do you have to improve the Public Health Trust Fund, Problem Gambling Services Strategic Plan?
a. In terms of how it addresses problem gambling?
i. What information, if any, is missing?
ii. What changes do you propose to the Plan recommendations?
iii. Why do you suggest these changes?

b. In terms of how it addresses related health concerns?
i. What information, if any, is missing?
ii. What changes do you propose to the Plan recommendations?
iii. Why do you suggest these changes?

2. What current problem gambling-related needs exist in your community that would not be addressed by the Plan recommendation?

3. Does the proposed Problem Gambling Services Strategic Plan meet the service needs of all members of your community? If not, which segments of the community would not have their needs met?  Please tell us in more detail why their needs would not be met and what might help to meet them.

Feedback from the period of Public Comment will influence how resources from the Public Health Trust Fund will be allocated for problem gambling and related issues services.

We look forward to and welcome your feedback.

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