Meeting Notification: MGC to hold public meeting on June 6, 2024; Conference Call Available
- June 05, 2024
- by MGC Communications

WHO: Members of the Massachusetts Gaming Commission including Interim Chair Jordan Maynard and Commissioners Brad Hill, Eileen O’Brien, and Nakisha Skinner
WHAT: The Massachusetts Gaming Commission will hold public meeting #520 on Thursday, June 6, 2024.
Once the meeting is called to order, the Commission will vote on a pair of meeting minutes from MGC meetings previously held on December 8, 2022 and December 13, 2022.
Following that, Executive Director Dean Serpa will hold an Administrative Update which will then be followed by a Legislative Update from Commissioner Brad Hill. Commissioner Eileen O’Brien is then expected to present an Independent Monitor Report to the Commission.
The Community Affairs Division is then expected to lead the ensuing portion of the meeting, where they will cover Quarterly Reports from the state’s casino licensees and then five Community Mitigation Fund applications from Boston, Everett, Holyoke, Saugus, and Springfield.
The Investigations and Enforcement Bureau is then expected to present a trio of briefings regarding separate noncompliance matters related to Temporary Category 3 Sports Wagering licensees. That will be followed by the Finance Division’s review of the FY25 Budget.
The MGC’s Legal Division is then set to lead discussions regarding 205 CMR 16.00: Procedures for the Approval of a Simulcast-Only Facility, and 205 CMR 257: Data Privacy.
That will be followed by the Sports Wagering Division’s portion of the meeting, which is expected to cover requests for approval to protect confidential information and personally identifiable information in another manner that is equally protective of the information in question pursuant to 205 CMR 257.03(4). Following an anticipated Executive Session relating to those requests, the meeting will resume with an Update to House Rules by FanDuel and a pair of Event Catalog Addition Requests regarding the Ladies Professional Golf Association (LPGA) and the Ladies European Tour (LET).
Commissioner Updates are expected to follow, rounding out the meeting.
There is time reserved at the end of the meeting for any other business the Chair did not reasonably anticipate at the time of posting.
For a complete list of agenda items and anticipated votes, view the official Meeting Notification and Agenda. A LIVE STREAM will be available at Community members are also invited to follow along with live meeting updates by connecting with the Commission on X, @MassGamingComm.
Please note that the Commission will conduct this public meeting remotely utilizing remote collaboration technology. Use of this technology is intended to ensure an adequate, alternative means of public access to the Commission’s deliberations for any interested member of the public. If there is any technical problem with the Commission’s remote connection, an alternative conference line will be noticed immediately on our website:
WHERE: Conference Call: 1-646-741-5292, Meeting ID: 111 531 2707
WHEN: Thursday, June 6, 2024, at 10:00 a.m.