Meeting Notification: MGC to hold public meeting on August 11, 2022; Conference Call Available
- August 09, 2022
- by MGC Communications

WHO: Members of the Massachusetts Gaming Commission including Chair Cathy Judd-Stein and Commissioners Brad Hill, Jordan Maynard, Eileen O’Brien and Nakisha Skinner
WHAT: The Massachusetts Gaming Commission will hold public meeting #387 on Thursday, August 11, 2022.
After the meeting is called to order, the commissioners and the Chair will hold a vote on approving meeting minutes for a previous held Commission meeting on February 10, 2022.
Following that vote, Executive Director Karen Wells will lead a discussion on Table Games/Poker Update along with Bruce Band, the Assistant Director of the Investigations and Enforcement Bureau.
After that, Joe Delaney will head the Community Affairs Division’s portion of the meeting, which will cover Quarterly Reports from Encore Boston Harbor and Plainridge Park Casino.
Mark Vander Linden of the MGC’s Research and Responsible Gaming team will then provide an update on PlayMyWay.
The Legal Division is then set to hold a discussion on 205 CMR 116.03, which comes ahead of a likely vote by the Commission. They will be followed by the Licensing Division, which will cover Encore Boston Harbor Position Exemption Requests ahead of a potential vote.
Loretta Lillios of the IEB will then speak on a Civil Administration Penalty Assessment ahead of an anticipated vote on the matter. She will be followed by Executive Director Wells, who will cover Preparations for Matters Related to Sports Wagering.
Commissioner Updates are set to follow, where the Commission will discuss a Plan for Sports Wagering Roundtables with Licensees and Stakeholders.
There is also time reserved at the end of the meeting for matters the Chair did not reasonably anticipate at the time of posting.
For a complete list of agenda items and anticipated votes, view the official Meeting Notification and Agenda. A LIVE STREAM will be available at Community members are also invited to follow along with live meeting updates by connecting with the Commission on Twitter, @MassGamingComm.
Please note that the Commission will conduct this public meeting remotely utilizing remote collaboration technology. Use of this technology is intended to ensure an adequate, alternative means of public access to the Commission’s deliberations for any interested member of the public. If there is any technical problem with the Commission’s remote connection, an alternative conference line will be noticed immediately on our website:
WHERE: Conference Call Number: 1-646-741-5292, Meeting ID: 111 198 3440
WHEN: Thursday, August 11, 2022, at 10:00 a.m.