The MGC’s January 23, 2025, Open Meeting is now live. You can view the live stream and relevant documents here.

Meeting Notification: MassGaming to hold open public meeting on February 20th

WHO:             Members of the Massachusetts Gaming Commission including Chairman Steve Crosby, Commissioner Gayle Cameron, Commissioner James McHugh, Commissioner Bruce Stebbins and Commissioner Enrique Zuniga

WHAT:          The Massachusetts Gaming Commission will hold an open public meeting on Thursday, February 20th.  The meeting’s agenda will include administrative briefings on several topics including Licensing Fee Distribution Plan and the Cost Assessment Regulation. The Commission is expected to have a discussion on gambling credit and collection and will also outline a regulation development schedule. The Legal Division will present the Commission with a draft of a ‘licensing award with conditions’ and will also present monitoring and preopening regulations for the construction phase of a gaming facility. The Licensing Division will present commissioners with draft regulations pertaining to alcohol beverage licensing and distribution.

 For a complete list of agenda items, please visit the Meeting Notifications & Agenda page at MassGaming.com. A LIVE STREAM will be available on the MassGaming homepage. In addition, community members are invited to follow along with live meeting updates by connecting with the Commission on Twitter, @MassGamingComm.

WHERE:       Boston Convention and Exhibition Center, 415 Summer Street, Room 102, Boston, MA

WHEN:          THURSDAY, February 20, 2014, at 9:30am


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