The MGC’s February 24, 2025, Open Meeting is now live. You can view the live stream and relevant documents here.

VIDEO: A statement from Chairman Steve Crosby regarding his decision to recuse from Region A licensing process

I have said repeatedly over my 2 years as Chair of the Gaming Commission that the single highest priority for our work is that we protect the integrity of the decision making process. And I have also said repeatedly that the appearance of integrity as well as the reality of integrity is critical. Over the past several months, my behavior and judgment concerning the parties to the Region A decision has been questioned, sometimes in good faith, sometimes in bad faith. Frankly, neither I nor any of the Commissioners have any doubt about my ability to be impartial in the decision making process. But the compounding of these issues has now gotten to the point where my participation in the decision making process has become a distraction and apotential threat to our critical appearance of total impartiality.

I want to take this opportunity to note the extraordinary amount of hard work and dedication that has resulted in the considerable progress and accomplishment achieved by the Commission and its staff since we embarked on the implementation of an incredibly complex licensing process and the establishment of a new state agency. I will not allow anything to distract or discredit that comprehensive effort.

Therefore, I have decided to recuse myself from any further involvement in any of the issues concerning the licensing decision for Region A. For those discussions, Commissioner Jim McHugh will act as Chair of the Commission and my decision will have no impact on the schedule for Region A.

In all other respects I will continue to serve in the role as Chair for the Gaming Commission, and I look forward to being a part of its ongoing important work.

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