UPDATE 2/7/19: MGC receives submissions regarding request for public comment on Request to Reconsider Region C
- October 03, 2018
- by MGC Communications

UPDATE 2/7/19: The Massachusetts Gaming Commission updated this posting with a letter from Goodwin on behalf of its client, Mass Gaming & Entertainment (MG&E) received on February 6, 2019. The MGC is in receipt of the following submission on the previous request for public comment regarding the re-opening of Region C (Southeastern Mass.) for the award of a Category 1 gaming license.
UPDATE 1/24/19: The Massachusetts Gaming Commission updated this posting with a letter from the Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah) received on January 22, 2019. The MGC is in receipt of the following submissions on the previous request for public comment regarding the re-opening of Region C (Southeastern Mass.) for the award of a Category 1 gaming license.
- Part 1 – Goodwin Region C Response and Exhibits
- Part 2 – Region C Public Comments by mail and email
- Part 3 – Form Letter and Name Counts
- Part 4 – From 9.27.18 Public Meeting
- Part 5 – Letter from The Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah) 1.22.19
The request for public comment is now closed. Below is the original request for comment.
The Massachusetts Gaming Commission has received a request to re-open Region C (Southeastern Mass.) for the award of a Category 1 gaming license. As part of that process, the Commission is requesting comments on the items listed below. Please submit comments by emailing mgccomments@state.ma.us with ‘Region C’ in the subject line, or by mail to:
Massachusetts Gaming Commission
101 Federal Street, 12th Floor
Boston, MA 02110
The comment period will remain open until the close of business on November 30, 2018.
- What is the status of the gaming market in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic? What are the existing gaming options? What plans exist to increase the number of gaming options, both in states that currently allow casino gaming and states where casino gaming does not currently exist? What revenues have been collected by states that have gaming over the last five (5) years and what are their projected future revenues?
- What is the expected demand for gaming and the value of the overall gaming market in Massachusetts?
- Should the Commission review the status of online gaming, sports betting and daily fantasy sports and their potential impact on casino gaming?
- Is there sufficient capacity to fill new casino jobs created by a Region C casino? What impact will that have on existing casinos to fill their jobs and on existing business to replace experienced employees who move to a casino job?
- Should the Commission revise its process for determining or updating the suitability of a prior applicant for a category 1 or category 2 gaming license who wishes to apply for a category 1 gaming license in Region C?
- Should the Commission review and/or revise its RFA-2 application to determine if additional or different information should be requested from gaming license applicants in Region C?
- Should agreements, such as host community agreements, surrounding community agreements, impacted live entertainment venue (ILEV) agreements, mitigation agreements, gaming school agreements and other relationships previously established for former applicants for a category 1 gaming license in Region C be deemed to be valid or should such agreements be reviewed again and/or re-negotiated?
- Should there be a new host community referendum vote in any host community where a prior vote was held?
- Should the Commission consider any legislative changes to the Gaming Act?
- Should there be changes to the Commission’s regulations, for example, changes to regulations setting forth the license award process and the calculation of minimum capital investment required under chapter 23K in order to reopen Region C?
- What role should horse racing have in considering a category 1 region C gaming license application?
- Should the Commission review the status of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe’s litigation regarding land in trust, and the status of proposed federal legislation on the issue?