Meeting Notification: MGC to hold public meeting on March 11, 2025; Conference Call Available

Once the meeting is called to order, the Commission will review meeting minutes from several past open meetings on January 6, 2023, January 18, 2023, March 28. 2024. and February 6, 2025. Executive Director Dean Serpa will then provide an administrative update.

The Racing Division will follow with a presentation of Plainridge Park Casino’s request for a Capital Improvement Fund consideration for renovations to their test barn. The Racing Division will also share its report on unpaid winnings in 2022 and possible subsequent authorization for CFAO to pay out funds approved by the Commission.

The meeting is then expected to enter executive session for discussion regarding the collective bargaining of the SEIU Local 888 Agreement.

When the meeting returns to public session, the Investigations and Enforcement Bureau will brief the Commission on noncompliance related to Caesars Sportsbook and lead a discussion regarding the next steps. The meeting is anticipated to return to executive session for a discussion regarding firearms security at MGM Springfield.

Commissioners will hear from the Sports Wagering Division regarding requests from two Category 3 Sports Wagering Operators, DraftKings and Penn Sports Interactive, to use an alternate method of KYC identity authentication at the time of sports wagering account establishment pursuant to 205 CMR 248.04(4). Both requests are expected to be discussed in executive session.

The Community Affairs Division will follow with a summary of the FY26 Community Mitigation Fund applications. Afterward, MGM Springfield will present its latest quarterly report. Following the presentation, the meeting is expected to enter a final executive session.

Commissioner Updates are expected to follow, rounding out the meeting.

There is time reserved at the end of the meeting for any other business the Chair did not reasonably anticipate at the time of posting.

For a complete list of agenda items and anticipated votes, view the official Meeting Notification and Agenda. A LIVE STREAM will be available at Community members are also invited to follow along with live meeting updates by connecting with the Commission on X, @MassGamingComm.

Please note that the Commission will conduct this public meeting remotely utilizing remote collaboration technology. Use of this technology is intended to ensure an adequate, alternative means of public access to the Commission’s deliberations for any interested member of the public. If there is any technical problem with the Commission’s remote connection, an alternative conference line will be noticed immediately on our website:

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