What you need to know
- The Expanded Gaming Act created the Community Mitigation Fund to help entities offset costs related to the construction and operation of a gaming establishment.
- The application period for the 2016 Community Mitigation Fund is now closed, and awards were voted upon by the Commission in a public meeting.
- The Community Mitigation Fund may be used to offset costs related to both Category 1 full casino facilities (MGM Springfield and Encore Boston Harbor) and the state’s Category 2 slots-only facility (Plainridge Park Casino).
About the Community Mitigation Fund
Since its inception, the Commission has worked to help the Commonwealth realize the benefits of expanded gaming. These benefits include the thousands of expected jobs for Massachusetts residents in the areas of construction, hospitality and tourism, and the generation of millions of dollars in new revenue for the Commonwealth and its cities and towns. The Commission has also worked to help the Commonwealth avoid or minimize potential negative impacts associated with the arrival of expanded gaming. As part of the effort to help offset impacts that may result from the development and operation of gaming facilities in the Commonwealth, the Massachusetts Legislature created the Community Mitigation Fund (“CMF”) as part of the Expanded Gaming Act.
The Commission looks forward to an ongoing dialogue with communities and other interested parties regarding the use of these funds in the future.
2016 Community Mitigation Fund Awards
Reserve Planning Grants
- Town of Attleboro: The one-time reserve funds are used to assist communities in offsetting costs related to unanticipated impacts that may arise and for planning purposes, either to determine how to achieve further benefits or to avoid or minimize any adverse impacts.
- Award: $100,000
- City of Everett: This grant provides funding to study the expansion to the Everett portion of the Northern Strand Community Trail bike path. The expansion project could promote greater options for pedestrians and bicyclists that may visit or work at the Wynn Boston Harbor facility. Additionally, it could allow for an extension of access to the linear park system along the Mystic River while addressing the need for pedestrian and bicycle access to and from Wellington Station on the MBTA Orange line.
- Award: $100,000
- Town of Hampden: The one-time reserve funds are used to assist communities in offsetting costs related to unanticipated impacts that may arise and for planning purposes, either to determine how to achieve further benefits or to avoid or minimize any adverse impacts.
- Award: $100,000
- City of Lynn: Award of reserve.
- Award: $100,000
- City of Malden: The grant provides funding toward the hiring of a senior planner, with the City of Malden providing a significant portion of the salary. The Senior Planner’s activities will be focused on positioning the City to take advantage of and benefit from the economic opportunities from the casino development through a Comprehensive Marking Program and a Citizen’s Engagement Program.
- Award: $100,000
- City of Melrose: The one-time reserve funds are used to assist communities in offsetting costs related to unanticipated impacts that may arise and for planning purposes, either to determine how to achieve further benefits or to avoid or minimize any adverse impacts.
- Award: $100,000
- Town of North Attleboro: The one-time reserve funds are used to assist communities in offsetting costs related to unanticipated impacts that may arise and for planning purposes, either to determine how to achieve further benefits or to avoid or minimize any adverse impacts.
- Award: $100,000
- City of Revere: The one-time reserve funds are used to assist communities in offsetting costs related to unanticipated impacts that may arise and for planning purposes, either to determine how to achieve further benefits or to avoid or minimize any adverse impacts.
- Award: $100,000
- Town of Plainville: The one-time reserve funds are used to assist communities in offsetting costs related to unanticipated impacts that may arise and for planning purposes, either to determine how to achieve further benefits or to avoid or minimize any adverse impacts.
- Award: $100,000
- Town of Saugus: Procurement of a Phase 1 consultant (expended only $21,744 of the awarded $35,000)
- Award: $35,000
- City of Springfield: $50,000 of Springfield’s original reserve of $100,000 is included in the budget for Springfield’s 2016 Specific Impact Grant for a parking solution.
- Award: $50,000
- Town of Wrentham: Prepare a study of the Route 1 corridor.
- Award: $50,000
Transportation Planning Grants
- City of Chelsea: The scope of work for this study includes a field survey, condition assessment, environmental screening, and Road Safety Audit which will form a basis for future funding applications by the City. This corridor is a gateway thoroughfare which could better serve pedestrians, vehicles, bicyclists and freight for the casino by the improvement of its roadway conditions and through comprehensive planning.
- Award: $167,150
- City of Everett: $100,000 of Everett’s original reserve of $100,000 is included in the budget for Everett’s 2016 Transportation Grant. The budget for the study is $150,000 including the $50,000. Additional funding for Community Trail bike path after expenditure of reserve.
- Award: $50,000
- City of Malden: Malden is recognized as a multi-modal transportation hub for the casino project. In recognition of the transportation hub, Malden reserved approval for two separate and distinct studies; one to assess current parking facilities (Jackson Street Garage, Central Business District Garage, Malden Center MBTA Parking lot, Main Street parking Lot and Dartmouth Street Parking lot) and determine future needs, and the second to limit exposure of both pedestrian and bicyclists to safety risks created by heavy traffic volumes, busy intersections and high travel speeds in the area of Malden Center Station.
- Award: $100,000
- City of Medford: As a transportation hub for the casino, Medford received funds for a transportation planner to help coordinate a plan for Wellington Circle, a potential water shuttle and monitoring of agreements related to parking facilities. As a significant portion of traffic will go through Medford, particularly through Wellington Circle, the Commission granted Planner’s cost for Fiscal Year 2017; and one year allocation for consultants working with the Planner. To encourage participation in alternate transportation modalities, the Commission granted for funding as a state match for federal funding sources for a water shuttle study, including an analysis of Station Landing and Wynn Boston Harbor as shuttle docking sites.
- Award: $167,000
Specific Impact Grants
- Hampden County Sheriff’s Department: The Sheriff Department’s Western Massachusetts Correctional Alcohol Center (WMCAC) was required to move after 29 years in the same location due to construction of the MGM Springfield facility. The WMCAC has provided a very important rehabilitation program for over 17,000 Berkshire, Franklin, Hampden, Hampshire and Worcester County residents as a correctional substance abuse treatment center during this time. This grant is to cover unfunded lease costs through FY17.
- Award: $280,000
- City of Springfield: The grant will be used to implement a coordinated pilot parking solution to accommodate local businesses between Union and State Street in Springfield impacted by the construction of MGM Springfield. The Commission authorized $50,000 of the $150,000 for the first 90 days of the Pilot Parking Solution.
- Award: $150,000
- Springfield Preservation Trust: Pursuant to a Memorandum of Agreement between the Commission, Blue Tarp reDevelopment and the Massachusetts Historical Commission, the fund shall be used to aid with the rehabilitation, restoration, or preservation of State Register listed historic resources within one-half mile of the Project. In addition to MGM Springfield’s significant historical preservation efforts on-site, MGM Springfield also provided $350,000 for the Preservation Trust.
- Award: $350,000
- Town of West Springfield: The Grant provides funding for an unanticipated cost increase in the design and permitting of a project to reconstruct Memorial Avenue above the amount of an award granted through arbitration. By following design concepts consistent with the State’s Complete Streets initiative, it is hoped that this project will more effectively compete for state transportation dollars.
- Award: $246,000
Further detail on this year’s program may be found by contacting Joe Delaney. Mr. Delaney can be reached at joseph.e.delaney@state.ma.us. The Commission’s address is 101 Federal Street, 12th Floor, Boston, MA 02110.