Meeting Notification: MGC to hold public meeting on January 28; Conference Call Available

WHO:               Members of the Massachusetts Gaming Commission including Chair Cathy Judd-Stein and Commissioners Gayle Cameron, Eileen O’Brien and Enrique Zuniga 

WHAT:              The Massachusetts Gaming Commission will hold public meeting #334 on Thursday, January 28, 2021.

After an approval of minutes, Executive Director Karen Wells will provide an administrative update, which will include the following:

  • On-Site Casino Updates
  • MGC-ITS Gaming Technical Compliance Update

Director of Research and Responsible Gaming Mark Vander Linden, alongside Program Manager Teresa Fiore, Massachusetts Council on Gaming and Health Executive Director Marlene Warner, and Dr. Richard Wood from Gamres, will present on the Positive Play Initiative.

General Counsel Todd Grossman and Associate General Counsel Carrie Torrisi will ask that the Commission vote on the following:

  • 205 CMR 134.01: Key Gaming Employee Licensees. This amendment will allow licensees to bring in staff from a sister property in an emergency situation to serve as Key Gaming Employees without requiring licensure – and Amended Small Business Impact Statement, for approval to move through the final promulgation process – VOTE
  • 205 CMR 134.02: Gaming Employee Licensees. This amendment will allow licensees to bring in staff from a sister property in an emergency situation to serve as Gaming Employees without requiring licensure – and Amended Small Business Impact Statement, for approval to move through the final promulgation process – VOTE

Loretta Lillios, Director of the Investigations and Enforcement Bureau, alongside General Counsel Grossman and Jill Griffin, the MGC’s Director of Workforce, Supplier and Diversity Development, will provide a Juvenile Records Review Update.

Director Lillios and Senior Enforcement Counsel Katherine Hartigan will also give an Independent Directors Gaming Vendor Primary Status Update.

Director of Racing Dr. Alex Lightbown will request that the Commission vote on the following:

  • 2019 Plainridge Racecourse Unpaid Winnings – VOTE
  • 2019 Suffolk Downs Unpaid Winnings – VOTE
  • 2019 Wonderland Park Unpaid Winnings – VOTE
  • 2019 Raynham Park Unpaid Winnings – VOTE
  • Authorization for CFAO to Pay Out Funds Once Approved by Commission – VOTE

The Commission then anticipates that it will meet in executive session to review minutes from previous executive sessions convened in accordance with G.L. c. 30A, §20(a)(3) in order for the Commission to discuss strategy with respect to litigation where such discussion at an open meeting may have had a detrimental effect on the Commission’s litigating position. The public session of the Commission meeting will not reconvene at the conclusion of the executive session.

For a complete list of agenda items and anticipated votes, view the official Meeting Notification and Agenda.

PLEASE NOTE: Given the unprecedented circumstances resulting from the global Coronavirus pandemic, Governor Charles Baker issued an order to provide limited relief from certain provisions of the Open Meeting Law to protect the health and safety of individuals interested in attending public meetings. In keeping with the guidance provided, the Commission will conduct a public meeting utilizing remote collaboration technology. If there is any technical problem with our remote connection, an alternative conference line will be noticed immediately on our website:

Community members are also invited to follow along with live meeting updates by connecting with the Commission on Twitter, @MassGamingComm.

WHERE:              Conference Call Number: 1-646-741-5292, Meeting ID: 112 780 8210

WHEN:               Thursday, January 28, 2021, at 10:00 a.m.

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