Registration Remains Open for the MGC’s May 14 Conference on Examining Social Impacts of Sports Betting and Changing Gambling Landscape

A memo to MGC staff: A message from Chairman Steve Crosby and Executive Director Rick Day

From Chairman Crosby to MGC staff:


After nearly three and  a half years of operation and dramatic growth, we now have our first significant changes in the Gaming Commission’s organization. Both Commissioner McHugh and Executive Director Day are moving on to the next phase of their lives. Jim will remain with us until September 30; and although Rick will be leaving on a previously scheduled vacation next week, he will be with us as a consultant thereafter. Rick played a central role in building the institutional and regulatory structure of this Commission, enabling us to license and regulate an entirely new industry in Massachusetts, and his professionalism and commitment to public service will be sorely missed. You will be hearing from both of them shortly.

In the meantime, we will continue our work in the measured and professional way we have in the past, and keep moving this challenging initiative forward in the best interests of the people of the Commonwealth. And I will be in touch about plans for the future.

Thank you again for your continued hard work and dedication.

From Executive Director Rick Day to MGC staff:

After careful consideration and discussion with Chairman Crosby, we have decided to conclude my full-time employment in my position as Executive Director of the Massachusetts Gaming Commission. I will continue with the Commission in a consulting role for as long as my services are required.

It has been a great honor to participate in the historic introduction of the Commonwealth’s new expanded gaming industry. I am proud of the work accomplished over the last 2.5 years and pleased that the state is now experiencing the benefits of jobs and revenue currently being derived from the new gaming industry. Since joining the Commission as Executive Director, my number one priority has been to support the Commission in its efforts to prepare an efficient and effective regulatory structure in advance of the opening of Plainridge Park Casino.  That effort included the adoption of hundreds of regulations and policies, hiring qualified staff, preparing to license or register hundreds of applicants and effectively leading a pre-opening group of local, commission, and Plainridge Park Casino officials and staff.

Now in the wake of the remarkably successful opening of the state’s first expanded gaming facility, I feel that both personally and professionally, this is an appropriate time for change. I extend my thanks to the commissioners and committed staff for their dedication and achievements over the past three years, and I wish continued success to my MGC colleagues and our gaming licensees. I would also like to thank my wife, Jan, who has been by my side on this cross-country endeavor and who has sacrificed greatly by being more than 2000 miles away from our children and grandchildren. We now look forward to rejoining our loved ones in our home State of Montana.

I will be working with the Commissioners to finalize the terms of my departure and ongoing relationship.

It has been my pleasure to work with you and as always thank you for everything you do every day.

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