What you need to know
- The Expanded Gaming Act created the Community Mitigation Fund to help entities offset costs related to the construction and operation of a gaming establishment.
- The application period for the 2017 Community Mitigation Fund is now closed, and awards were voted upon by the Commission in a public meeting.
- The Community Mitigation Fund may be used to offset costs related to both Category 1 full casino facilities (MGM Springfield and Encore Boston Harbor) and the state’s Category 2 slots-only facility (Plainridge Park Casino).
About the Community Mitigation Fund
Since its inception, the Commission has worked to help the Commonwealth realize the benefits of expanded gaming. These benefits include the thousands of expected jobs for Massachusetts residents in the areas of construction, hospitality and tourism, and the generation of millions of dollars in new revenue for the Commonwealth and its cities and towns. The Commission has also worked to help the Commonwealth avoid or minimize potential negative impacts associated with the arrival of expanded gaming. As part of the effort to help offset impacts that may result from the development and operation of gaming facilities in the Commonwealth, the Massachusetts Legislature created the Community Mitigation Fund (“CMF”) as part of the Expanded Gaming Act.
The Commission looks forward to an ongoing dialogue with communities and other interested parties regarding the use of these funds in the future.
2017 Community Mitigation Fund Awards
Reserve Planning Grants
- City of Boston: In conjunction with Boston’s 2017 Transportation Planning Grant, this grant will provide funding for a portion of the City’s engineering design costs for a proposed reconstruction of Sullivan Square / Rutherford Avenue, a major traffic corridor expected to support casino related traffic and traffic from other traffic generators over the long term.
- Award: $100,000
- City of Melrose: Planning study to identify and quantify infrastructure improvements along the Washington Street, Pleasant Street and West Wyoming Avenue corridors.
- Award: $26,904
- City of Northampton: Marketing plan and promotional efforts.
- Award: $100,000
- Town of Plainville: This grant will provide funding for public safety radios that can work in the Plainridge Park facility, a cardiac monitor, and body armor to be used in responding to events at Plainridge Park.
- Award: $98,397.92
- City of Revere: Marketing plan and promotional efforts.
- Award: $50,000
- Town of Saugus: Development of wayfinding and branding scheme to further promote the town’s open spaces and economic centers for a regional attraction promotion.
- Award: $28,256
- City of Somerville: The grant will provide funding for baseline data collection for two areas that may be impacted by casino related traffic, near-highway air pollution and vehicular traffic patterns. The City can use such data when comparing such pollution and traffic patterns once the casino is operational.
- Award: $100,000
Transportation Planning Grants
- City of Boston: The grant will provide funding for a portion of the City’s engineering design costs for a proposed reconstruction of Sullivan Square / Rutherford Avenue, a major traffic corridor expected to support casino related traffic and traffic from other traffic generators over the long term.
- Award: $150,000
- City of Everett: The grant will provide funding for the preliminary design and engineering of a bus-only lane on the west side of Broadway/Route 99 from the Everett city line to Route 16 / Sweetser Circle, a primary traffic corridor for expected casino related traffic.
- Award: $150,000
- City of Lynn: The grant will provide funding for transportation planning studies to help alleviate potential casino related traffic impacts on Lynn roads.
- Award: $100,000
- City of Malden: The grant would provide funding for planning and design of improvements to Exchange Street from Pleasant Street to Main Street. The area was named as a hub for parking and transport for both casino employees and patrons to the site.
- Award: $150,000
- City of Medford: The grant will provide a full year’s worth of funding for a contract transportation planner and funding for an engineering feasibility study for a proposed new multi-use path. A new multi-use path (the South Medford Connector) may greatly enhance connections to other regional pathways and provide another method for employees and patrons to access the casino.
- Award: $80,000
- City of Revere & Town of Saugus: This grant will provide funding for a shared transportation planner to help the two communities plan to address casino related transportation issues. This innovative sub-regional cooperative effort is designed to help the two communities focus on achievable transportation improvement projects involving roadways that may be impacted by casino related traffic.
- Award: $150,000
- City of Somerville: The grant provides funds to initiate a formal planning study of the intersection of Interstate 93, State Route 28 (Fellsway/McGrath Highway) and State Route 38 (Mystic Avenue), which already experiences one of the highest crash rates in the state and may be impacted by casino related traffic. A consultant team will be engaged to conduct public engagement, alternatives analysis, and concept design.
- Award: $150,000
- Town of West Springfield: The grant will provide funding for engineering design services for improvements to the Elm Street (Route 20) corridor from Westfield Street to Park Street to enable the town to better accommodate casino related traffic and to improve pedestrian, bicycle and public transit access and safety.
- Award: $150,000
Tribal Gaming Technical Assistance Grant
- Southeastern Regional Planning and Economic Development District: Upon a determination by the Commission that construction of a proposed Taunton gaming facility will likely commence during Fiscal Year 2018, this reserve would provide funding to the Southeastern Regional Planning and Economic Development District (SRPEDD) for technical assistance funding to assist in the determination of potential impacts that may be experienced by communities that are geographically proximate to such proposed facility.
- Award: $200,000
Specific Impact Grants
- City of Everett: The grant will provide funding for a bike sharing service in Everett that will help Everett lessen potential casino related construction and operation period traffic congestion.
- Award: $150,000
- Norfolk District Attorney’s Office: The grant will provide funding to develop a data system to help the Norfolk County DA’s Office determine casino related impacts on Office resources and caseloads.
- Award: $25,000
- Town of Plainville: The grant will provide funding for the purchase of a fire suppression vehicle for the Plainridge Park facility.
- Award: $148,750
- City of Springfield: The grant will fund the continuation of a valet pilot program for the Caring Health Center and other area businesses impacted by construction.
- Award:$31,523
Workforce Program Grants
On June 28, 2017, members of the Massachusetts Gaming Commission (MGC) approved close to $600,000 in grants for a Workforce Development Pilot Program designed to fund gaming career pathways for local residents. The Workforce Program is a component of the 2017 Community Mitigation Fund, which was established by the Gaming Law to help entities offset costs related to the construction and operations of gaming establishments.
The Workforce Program was developed to provide interested residents in gaming regions the ability to attain academic and occupational credentials needed to work in the most in-demand occupations related to the gaming industry. Additionally, it was established to assist the unemployed or underemployed to either get their GED or Adult Basic Education (“ABE”) which would position them to get future jobs in the casino industry or training in advance by the backfilling of jobs.
- MetroNorth Regional Employment Board – Region A: The purpose of the MNCCC is to prepare and train local residents for jobs related to the construction of the Wynn Boston Harbor gaming facility and to create a system in which local residents are able to start a career pathway leading to any number of casino-related careers.
- Award: $200,000
- Springfield Public Schools – Region B: The Springfield Public Schools would like to establish an initiative called “Ahead of the Game” program which will target low-skill, low-income adults, interested in pursuing long term careers with MGM Springfield. The Ahead of the Game program will focus on individuals looking to obtain their adult basic education (ABE) or GED, in order to pursue higher education. The goal of this program will be to prepare low-income adults for enrollment into post-secondary workforce training programs relevant to the needs of MGM Springfield.
- Award: $171,833.03
- Springfield Technical Community College – Region B: Springfield Technical Community College (STCC), in collaboration with Holyoke Community College (HCC) proposes to develop and implement an innovative High School Equivalency (HSE) and workforce readiness program, Hampden Prep. The overarching goal of Hampden Prep is to accelerate ABE, HiSET prep and developmental programs for Hampden County residents and to provide non-traditional students the supports needed to complete postsecondary credentials in areas recognized by employers in the Springfield labor market.
- Award: $200,000
Further detail on this year’s program may be found by contacting Joe Delaney. Mr. Delaney can be reached at joseph.e.delaney@state.ma.us. The Commission’s address is 101 Federal Street, 12th Floor, Boston, MA 02110.